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Cellular Modem

The cellular modem tool is used to control modem functions.



Available services are radio, sim and data.

CM Radio

cm radio 

Get modem status

cm radio <on/off> 

Enable/disable radio

cm radio rat <CDMA/GSM/UMTS/LTE> 

Set radio access technology

After setting the radio access technology, you'll need to do a legato restart before it's effective.


cm sim 

Get sim status

cm sim enterpin <pin> 

Enter pin code that's required before any mobile equipment functionality can be used.

cm sim changepin <oldpin> <newpin> 

Change the PIN code of the SIM card.

cm sim lock <pin> 

Lock SIM: enables SIM card security, will request for a PIN code when inserted.

cm sim unlock <pin> 

Unlock SIM: disables SIM card security, won't request a PIN code when inserted (unsafe).

cm sim unblock <puk> <newpin> 

Unblocks the SIM card. The SIM card is blocked after X unsuccessful attempts to enter the PIN.

cm sim storepin <pin> 

Stores PIN. Whether security is enabled or not, the SIM card has a PIN code that must be entered for every operation. You can change the PIN code through changepin and unblock.

CM Data

cm data 

Get info on profile in use

cm data profile <index> 

Set profile in use

cm data apn <apn> 

Set apn for profile in use

cm data pdp <pdp> 

Set pdp type for profile in use

cm data auth <none/pap/chap> <username> <password> 

Set authentication for profile in use

cm data connect <optional timeout (secs)> 

Start a data connection

cm data list 

List all the profiles

cm data watch 

Monitor the data connection

To start a data connection, please ensure that your profile has been configured correctly. Also ensure your modem is registered to the network. To verify, use cm radio and check Status.

If you specify a time-out timer when starting a data connection, it will try to start a data connection until the timer expires.

When starting a data connection, currently it only uses profile 1. Any configuration set for other profiles can't be used to start a data connection through the cm tool.

Beta 14.04 Users

If you're upgrading from Legato Beta 14.04, data connection operation will be slightly different. Once you have a data connection started successfully, the process will continue running.

To stop the session, do one of these:

  • Run cm data connect as usual and if you want to release the data connection, simply press CTRL+C.
  • Run cm data connect & (background) and if you want to release the data connection, kill the process (kill <pid>).

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